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Ripples in media

HP Latex 360 Printer

#1 agBoston 8 years ago

It seems as if I'm getting ripples in some of my media mostly Polyprop or other film types. Looks like it is from the transport rollers. any sugguestions my pullup banners don't look really good. Printing with HP360 W/ Onyx rip Will post pics on next run

#2 HP-MarcM 8 years ago

HI agBoston, Your issue looks to be caused by plasticizers. I'll recommend you to have a look to the following post recommendations since it was having a issue caused by plasticizers: Wavy Lines at start of the print Let me know if this helped you

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#3 agBoston 8 years ago

Do not believe that is the cause, it is the material that is rippled I belive it is from the pich transport rollers.

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#4 agBoston 8 years ago

See images

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#5 HP-MarcM 8 years ago

Hi agBoston, After checking your images, you were right, your issue does not look like plasticizers, it looks related to the curing temperature. I'll recommend you the following: Use the Take-Up Reel:: Decrease the curing temperature. If decreasing the curing temperature dosen't work, activate the Inter-Swath Delay. Let me know if this recommendations help you.

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