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Same media, same profile, two rolls, one doesn't print good

HP Latex 300 Series

#1 Hippino 7 years ago

Hi, I have two rolls of Orafol 3164G bought around the same time, and I am printing with the right profile. One, 48", works great. The other, 52", sometimes prints great, sometimes leaves a lot of white spots, like this: What causes this and what can I do for fixing this problem?

#2 MundoVinilos 6 years ago

Hi, we are having the same issue with the same media. Orajet 3164G. Everything else print ok, including Orajet3164M. According to Orafol, the issue is the ink from the HP 300 Series. We bought the our 365 on November 2017. We replace the yellow ink, and everything were find, but once we replace the black ink, and load another 3164G started to do that. Also, now we replace the Cyan and Magenta and is doing it on those colours as well. Based on that, I think the issue may be something to do with the ink and not the media.

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#3 MundoVinilos 6 years ago

In addition, this happend in the 105cm width media (42'')

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