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SEG backlit with latex inks and textile materials

#1 Varribas 6 years ago

Dear comunity, I’m trying to start a new project with edgelit aluminum frames and graphics with silicone edge. All materials I’ve tested doesn’t give me a good result. Prints under 200% ink load looks washed out and prints with 200% and above looks great but as soon few tension is applied to fix the silicone to the edge the inks wrinkles. Best material for me, now, is Samba FR from berger. Has any one find a solution for this application with latex.? Thank you very much. Kind regards

#2 Varribas 6 years ago

Sorry. English is not my main language. There is a word “ wrinkles” would like to change to “cracks”

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#3 HP_RaúlVílchez 6 years ago

The printing options that you using are the correct ones: Curing temperature at maximum Over 200% ink to have saturated colors Very slow speed At the moment what we are recommending regarding durable textiles is to print with these two medias: PrintTex Artist Mambo from Pongs HP Durable Backlit Fabric Please always use the to download the profiles of the medias and install them into your printer. By doing so you will you have the best results on your artwork. I hope this helps

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#4 Varribas 6 years ago

#3 Hi Raúl: Thank you very much with your answer. I've done tests with 16 and 20 Pass at 100 - 110ºC. I'll try the following: Increase curing temperature Looking to catch up some test rolls of both materials mentioned above, and give them a chance. I believe that the link of media locator you have mentioned is same as downloading the profile from the machine. Right ? Hope tests will work better.

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