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Service Maintenance Kit 1,2,3 Replacement

HP Latex 570 Printer

#1 ICF_Printer1 5 years ago

Our printer has been making some interesting sounds lately and so I did some looking through the info on the Web Server and found this: Service Maintenance Kit #1 3% Service Maintenance Kit #2 0% Service Maintenance Kit #3 12% We just replaced the maintenance cartridge and it says it is at 100%. Is this something I need to be worried about? What do these Kits do and what are the part numbers for them?

#2 kelvin.ng5186 5 years ago

#1 Hi for the smk1,2&3 is to keep your printer always in working condition, there is some of the spare parts with life spend, during smk is to replace those parts and maintain the printer, and this must be done by service engineer. service maintenance kits counter is from 0%-100% , need to be replace while reach 100% for the maintenance cartridge is to maintenance the PH, and is wear and tear, the counter is start from 100% to 0%. once reach 0% you need to replace that printhead maintenance cartridge.

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#3 igstl123 4 years ago

what is part number for smk 3 for 570 anybody please?

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#4 ivoslbg5445 4 years ago

#5 Service Maintenance Kit 3 | M0E29-67087

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#5 jwatson15498 a year ago

How do you find the %'s left on the maintenance kits?

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