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Strange colours in HP310

#1 MariusR 6 years ago

Hello, we are using the HP310 for producing maps on HPadhesive vinyl. Since two weeks we have problems with the prints. The colors get an extra blue hue that is not in original file. All test prints and calibration were completely redone. Printheads give no errors found. The problem continues to occur with new prints and is becoming more and more visible. All ink cartridges have been replaced and next week we will also replace all the printheads. Do you have any idea whether the problem can be resolved with this action? See attached picture. Thanks for your answer.

#2 Paul Wagner 6 years ago

The light magenta ink seems very light in both Color Calibration plots. This could account for the overly blue hue you are reporting. Light inks are delivered from printhead #2 on 300 Series HP Latex printers. You can attempt to run a cleaning on the light inks head In the event that cleanings do not resolve the issue, replacing the #2 light ink PH should resolve the issue.

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