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Stretch and shrink issue

HP Latex 570 Printer

#1 jp6687 5 years ago

We've been using our L-570 now for just over a year using a mix of premium cast and cheap calindered vinyls. We've always had an issue getting a consistant length no matter what profile or settings we use. Although what we're seeing is within the machine tolerance of 0.5% stretch, this can be an issue when we're running longer panels. We've been told that we shouldn't see any more than 1mm stratch over 1000mm but this isn't true. Does everyone see this issue or have any suggestions please?

#2 paulelw 5 years ago

#1 For true accuracy you would need to do a printhead alignment prior to any job or at least each time a new media roll is loaded. For media checking specifically there is the Substrate advance calibration: Image quality maintenance >Substrate advance calibration > OMAS calibration. You can also manually fine tune this: Image-quality maintenance > Substrate advance calibration > Print adjustment plot. Other factors can affect media physically such as laminates and storage and also conditions when applying media. If any further issues arise you'll need to contact a Service Technician to check the printer for any faults. I hope that helps.

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#3 peterb6706 5 years ago

#3 We were having the same issue on our HP 370. HP has a counterbalance weight that you can attach on the take up reel that will solve this problem.

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#4 marc ellogne 5 years ago

#3 1-Pour moi avoir une bonne qualité image, alignement , aligner les tête d'impressions après chaque changement de substrats. 2- Étalonnage avancé du substrat : qui maintien la qualité d’image. NB : N’oublier pas aussi que le stockage ou l’environnement au quelle vous gardez vos supports peut causer problème. MERCI

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#5 marc ellogne 5 years ago

merci Sonia

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#6 MattyTSP-LGB 5 years ago

#4 Does HP Latex 560 Have a counterbalance weight setup?

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