What was your overall satisfaction with LKC?
Very unsatisfied
Very satisfied
Since the day 1 I bought a brand new HP latex 570 from a vendor in Miami, I had problems in getting the printer to work properly, the issue with different error code has been going on and on until the 1 year warranty expired, was when the real problem started, when the pandemic started, I struggle to stay open and the same time dealing with the losses caused by the printer not been in production. I was forced to move to work from home situation, then I contacted HP once again to get a diagnostic and possible solution for a series of error codes, at that point I have incurred in issues with clients in which I have to give the deposit for jobs back, losing the job and the client, in an desperate attempt to get the printer running and working I agree to pay HP $1500 to send a technician to my address and fix the machine. They promise that if I pay them $2000 they can come the next day, if I pay them $1500 they will come in 3 to 5 business days, so for me it was a high stake to come out with that much money when I have literally stopped production for 2 months at that point. So I agree in the second option of the $1500, they took my order, once the payment was done, they sent by mail a box with one of the parts need it to fix the printer and same day I receive a call from the technician saying “oh so sorry but one of the parts is in backorder and we will let you know when we will come to fix the machine, and I say are you kidding right? So HP doesn’t know what they have in stock before taking the order? So I had no choice to wait out, and waited out for a month, No calls, no follow ups, nothing from them, at that point my losses was already huge, because I could not take any jobs because I was not able to print, I been rejecting customers’ orders because I have no working printer. So I called back on Dec 9 (more or less), which is extremely frustrating and time consuming to reach someone within customer relations or accounting. I reach them out and I told them that I need to get my money back to be able to find another technician, they agree to get me a refund, but I have to go through the billing department, which of course me as a consumer you cannot reach, instead the keep me in a call loop leading to operators that were not any help. So I decided to place a chargeback through my bank (Bofa) thinking the process of getting my money back will be faster, big mistake, neither my bank and Hp are refunding my money, has been almost 4 months, I keep calling Hp customer service and they keep saying “oh sorry for some reason your request didn’t went through” I will make a new request to get your refund, will take another 3 to 5 days, and they give me a new refund confirmation number, meanwhile bofa says “oh sorry, you have to wait another 45 days to get results from HP bank” And the story keeps going on and on. So then I decided to contact other major signs and equipment providers, like Grimco which is one of the biggest nationwide, and they said, Sorry we cannot give you service in that machine because you didn’t buy it from us, you have to go to the vendor who you bought it from. So I contact the company who sold it to me, Microgeo Usa, so they sent me an estimate based on the error code of the printer of the parts needed to fix the printer, I called next day to follow up and they said, sorry we will not be able to provide you service because we are not allowed by HP provide service inside the United States, only we can provide service in the Caribbean, Do you have an address in the Caribbean? They ask me. Bottom line, after fighting for 6 months with HP, I managed to get my money from my bank on March 7 2022, and I'm still stuck with a very expensive piece of equipment, with no warranty and no technical support, no other provider willing to fix it. I have lost hundreds of thousands of dollars in production, deposit I had return to my customers and literally am on the verge of closing down. That is how truly HP can hurt small businesses.