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#1 SPT777 3 years ago

We've just taken delivery of a HP Latex800W. First impressions are pretty good however one of the few criticisms is just how long it takes to get going. Press print & it takes about 2-3 minutes to start printing . Is there anyway of altering the settings to speed it up. Second, the self maintenance cycle. I know you can cancel it to start printing but is there anyway you can schedule it so the cycle kicks in outside of working hours. Cheers

#2 HP-sromo9559 3 years ago

#1 Hello @SPT777 Thanks for your comment! It takes about 2-3 minutes due to the warm up and printhead servicing processes. The impact on productivity can be reduced by launching the warm-up process when you know that you are going to print soon. Depending on the type of media, the time saved would be between 1 and 2 minutes. This button also launches the pre-print process, which includes the heating and servicing processes. It is available in the printer queue and only functional if media is properly loaded. This functionality was introduced in the firmware version PLS_20_21_10.10 (a.k.a 'MR2'). Regarding the self maintenance cycle, I am sorry to say that there is currently no way you can schedule it. You can cancel it at any time with the Cancel button or by sending a job from the RIP. This process might take up to 6 minutes. Hope this helps!

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#3 SPT777 3 years ago

Thanks a lot, I'll give that try. Cheers!

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