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Too Much Magenta?

#1 megank7655 4 years ago

I've been having issues matching colors that require a high percentage of magenta ink. I did a test run of some blocks of colors (including 100% magenta), and it looked good for a few passes, but then it starts to look really muddy and orange. You can see what I'm talking about with the magenta and the purple square next to in this video: Has anyone else encountered something like this? I cleaned and aligned the printheads and everything looked fine. It had no issues with the magenta on those. I'm also having the same issue with multiple substrates. I'm not sure where to go with troubleshooting from here.

#2 HP Daniela Ciolompea 4 years ago

Hi @megank7655, It looks like a regular banding focused on magenta PH. You should replace the PH with a new one and check if the issue still appears when printing. If this is still the case, I suggest getting in contact with HP support.

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