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Trouble curing inks on fabric

#1 john.moistner7890 4 years ago

We have been attempting to print SEGs on our HP 360 and we can't get the ink to fully cure no matter how high our temps and passes are. We've tested almost a dozen fabrics, both lit and non-lit, and we are able to rub ink off on all of them. We've tried maxing the temps and running 20-pass using profiles on the media locator with no luck. The last one we tested extensively is TVF DigiPanorama. This is listed on the media locator as a certified media, but we can easily rub ink ink off the finished print. We are at a loss of what to do? Image attached. Has anyone else encountered this problem? Is this just the best that these HPs can do on fabric? We've also tried lowering the ink sat way down and it doesn't seem to help. That said we used the profile as-is off the media locator and I would think that should work?

#2 HP-ColorGuy 4 years ago

Ink adhesion should be better with HP Latex Durable Textiles than other medias, due to specific treatments that have been applied to many of those medias. In order to reach the designation of a Durable Textile, the print must be rated at a minimum 4 on a scale of 5 on a Taber dry crock test. This does not mean that the ink cannot be abraded or transferred, but that it will take more effort to deface the ink. Typical fabrics score between 2 and 3 on this test. Dye sublimation devices, such as the HP Stitch printers, can achieve higher scores due to the nature of dye sublimation.

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#3 john.moistner7890 4 years ago

The fabrics we are testing all have at least a four rating. It seems like the ink still rubs off easily though. We don't need to apply much pressure.

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#4 HP Daniela Ciolompea 4 years ago

Hi @john.moistner7890, I can't provide any more recommendations than HP-ColorGuy has already provided. If you are using a media on warranty and using the proper certified downloaded from the media locator, prints should be as expected. In this case, I suggest contacting service support.

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