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Understanding api's and integration

#1 soyeb 9 years ago

Hi All , After seeing the new version of HP wallart and getting inspired with all the new features, i am toying with the idea of integrating this in to my website. My concern is this, Products in my website are priced according to square feet so 10ft x 2ft poster = x amount The HP wallart works by custom sizes entered by the customer So my questions are as follows: Can I get Hp wallart to work by square feet and if not can i set pricing on hp wallart software? Is there anyway I can get the customer to use hp wallart but get the order and payment in my existing site? with regards to api what does hp wallart and my website intergrate together on? Thank you in advance

#2 HP-MarcM 9 years ago

Hi Soyeb, I'm glad to see that you are getting inspired by the new HP WallArt Suite. Let me try to help you with your questions: 1- You can set Sqm by accessing first at Settings (top right menu) > Wall Covering (for example) > Media Substrate (tab section). When you are inside the specific media profile you can add specific price for a concrete substrate and also a generic price for all medias. 2- There are different ways to integrate HP WallArt Suite in your webpage. Below you could find several link to some documentation and videos that will help you understanding them. - HP WallArt Solution: How to integrate it into your website - HP WallArt Quick Guide: Web Integration - HP WallArt CRM Wordpress Plugin tutorial I hope you'll find this information helpful. If you have any other question, please do not hesitate to ask.

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