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vertical lines on prints

HP Latex 300 Series

#1 Dayboy 8 years ago

Ok, folks. The problem still exist...... After consulting with HP, and this forum, I have tried adjusting the heat, adjusting the tension, adjusting the vacuum, HP even sent me attachments that were put on the heat vents, etc. Nothing worked on the Avery 1005 wrap vinyl, SO HP says it has to be the media.... I thought "well, that's logical", it's the only media that produces these lines, so I switch to 3m IJ180 and today I printed on it for the first time....... And guess what..... It didn't work either. The vertical lines are still showing up right in the dead center of the printer, not the center of the media. (if ya get me).. Conclusion: It's the frackin' printer that is the problem, not the media...!!! HP/Lexjet know there is an issue but can't seem to solve it... Anyone have any ideas?? I CANNOT / WONT do vehicle wraps with lines going through them. They look awful!!! C'mon HP !!! I've had the printer barely a year and the issue has been an issue since the fall of last year. Hep me!!!!

#2 GastonGomez 8 years ago

Buenos dias amigo, como usuario de latex te presento un par de soluciones posibles a las lineas verticales. 1 Prueba modificando vacio en la configuaracion del material. 2 Aumenta el numero de pasadas, suelen aparecer las lineas si el material esta expuesto mucho tiempo a la temperatura. 3 Corrobora que las ruedas de precion estan limpias, de contener polvillo pueden afectar la calidad del material y disminuir la calidad de impresion. 4 Prueba imprimiendo el materil sin enrrollarlo dejalo que caiga libre para evitar la tension de salida o que el rodillo de enrolle este moviendo el material para los lados. 5 Regula la temperatura de Heating del material. Saludos y cualquier consulta estoy a tu dispocicion., Gaston Gomez 960 sa Cordoba - Argentina

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