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WallArt Default Material

#1 Graphikal 9 years ago

Liking the new WallArt suite. But with the media choices, after we add our adhesive fabric, PVC-free, etc., it still shows 'Default Material' as one of the choices. Is there a way to eliminate that? If we are naming the medias we want to offer, the customer then also sees a choice called 'default material', which is confusing. Especially since it doesn't say what that default is, which also means the price would be irrelevant. Unless I'm missing something, or not understanding, is there a way to eliminate that? Thanks

#2 HP-MarcM 9 years ago

Hi Graphikal, Thank you for your feedback. This will be removed in on our next updates of the HP WallArt Suite allowing the PSP to show only the medias they want to. if you have any other feedback about the new HP WallArt Suite please let me know.

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