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Wavey Patterns in Print HP Latex 310

HP Latex 310 Printer

#1 WrapThatCar 6 years ago

Has anyone else experienced this wavy rippled pattern while printing? I am using an HP Latex 310 and printing on 3M IJ35 at 10 Pass with 100% Saturation and a temperature of 241. This pattern has been happening throughout the entire print (about 40'), and I'm not sure if it's a printing problem or a media problem. I have tried adjusting my heat levels, but that does not make a difference. I have also tried to clean an area with alcohol and do a test print to see if it is plasticizer issue. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!

#2 WrapThatCar 6 years ago

I'm sorry. I think I posted this in the wrong section of the forum (my 1st time). I have moved it to the Printers forum topics.

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#3 hsdmaint6409 5 years ago

looks like not enough vaccum

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#4 ivoslbg5445 5 years ago

#1 If it's not happening on other vinyl - its substrate problem. Mostly humidity in room makes the damage, inks and optimizer can't cover properly and evenly the surface... Try a simple test (works most of the time) - start to print, when waves are seen - stop the print, let the printer cure this area, then move media to that point and start print again and see if there is a difference (you'll see fine image). If its humidity problem, when curing, surface is normalized...There are other factors like defective roll...

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