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Why can't you order a replacement sponge unit for the ink collector?

HP Latex 300 Series

#1 twmiller24 8 years ago

The sponge in the ink collector unit pops out, making it easy to replace. Yet, to get the sponge replacement, we have to spend $300 on the entire unit, when the unit itself is fine. Why can't we just order the sponge and snap it in and out?

#2 HP-MarcM 8 years ago

Hi twmiller24, I've been checking the HP Latex supplies list and I've been not able to find anything similar to what you are requesting for the HP Latex 300 Series. I've seen that for larger machines there are foam replacement kits, but not for the 300 Series. Hope this helps.

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#3 TG-Frank 8 years ago

Hi Marc, In the manual, there are replaceable"consumables" mentioned (blue plastic with sponge). And as far as I remember, there should be a kit with 12 of this pieces?

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#4 HP-MarcM 8 years ago

Hi TG-Frank, You are totally right. I just thought that twmiller24 was looking just for the sponge, and it is not available with out the blue plastic.

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#5 a.zsolt6335 5 years ago

#4 Hi! Can you tell me what is the name of that kit with 12 pieces of the blue plastic with the sponge?

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#6 a.zsolt6335 5 years ago

#6 Hi! Thank you. Can you tell me the price of this kit?

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