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Hi. We're in the process of integrating the Wallart WordPress plugin (v5.4.6) to our site but the Web Integration parameters fail the status check in the plugin Wallart Data settings (see attached). We've followed the (seemingly out-of-date?) guide for setting the oAUth values in the Web Integration section of our HP Applications Center, replacing the the example https://www.mydomain.com value with our own https://www.\*\*\*\*.co.uk domain as suggested. But the status checks fail. Please could you advise if we are entering the Web Integration urls correctly or, if so, advise what further steps need to be taken to ensure the Wallart data integrates correctly to the WordPress plugin. The plugin works correctly (format, size, image upload) up to the step where the 'Enter HP Wallart' button is enabled. Where it then fails with the error 'Error in oAuth handshake with https://www.\*\*\*\*.co.uk:443'. If you require any further info, please let me know. Your urgent support would be very welcome. Thank you, Chris WordPress v4.7.5 WooCommerce v3.0.7 Solved! Go to Solution.