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Head Strikes on Latex 360 prinitng 64" Wallpaper

#1 Pixel a year ago

HI have been printing on Neschen Performance Classic wallpaper 64" with no issues but now I can't get it to complete a sheet without head strikes at random places during the print. Settings are as follows, curing down to 195F, Vacuum anywhere from 32 to 95 seems not to matter. Input tension 15, 10 Pass, 90% Ink load. Optimizer 18%. I use the take-up roller to try and keep the tension.. The print starts well but then seems to start making little tents in the middle of the print zone like its gathering and then the head strikes rending the print useless Any feedback would be appreciated

#2 woody151217953 a year ago

have you checked the holes in the platten to make sure they are not blocked? as well as a feed calibration ? how olds the machine? are the rollers worn on the feed clamp?

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#3 Pixel a year ago

#2 The machine is about 8 years old but has barely been used as it's not our main type of work. There are no blocked ho;les that I can see. So I solved the issue by forcing the paper down by taking up the tension with gloved hands just under the curing section, essentially pulling it flat in the sections where it was rising. However that requires the 20 minute long print times to be monitored which is not ideal. There must be ideal settings to avoid this happening, however the paper supplier blames the profile and the printer support blames the paper...

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#4 woody151217953 a year ago

I am no expert by far . But it does sound to me like the take up roll timing is possibly out. TBH not sure how you can check that or fix it . May be worth speaking with an engineer to see if they can recommend possible causes and solutions. if you have not already that is. please post the solution if you solve it as I am intrigued. is the material your using a porous material?

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