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HP 54 Pinch roller error

#1 Info6752 5 years ago

Machine say's "Can recognize pinch roller, please turn off" Doing this all day, worked one time, and then stopped. SO frustrating, been doing this about 3mths now. But today it's the worse. Any solutions to this??

#2 britt7229 5 years ago

My print and cut solution is less than 9 months old and I am having this error. It did it once a few weeks ago, and yes it was near a window. I moved it away from the window and it worked fine. Now I cannot get it to work at all. When the trainer came out he never mentioned it was in a bad location. Where is the Pinch Roller Sensor and what is best to clean it with. I have a job due by morning and another due Monday, how do I fix this? Please please help

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#3 HP Daniela Ciolompea 5 years ago

Hi @britt7229 It seems this is a hardware issue. Please get in touch with HP Support to check the printer, as there are some parts that need to be checked inside and might need replacement.

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#4 Info6752 4 years ago

I tried everything, today its totally down for good, so frustrated, going to call HP.

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#5 Info6752 4 years ago

How do i check for dirt on the pinch roller sensor? I i took the cover off, and it's a very tight space. i can't get to anything in it, i resorted to blowing and then took a vacuum to blow off anything at all, didn't help. its down for the count till i call hp and hopefully its back.

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#6 Info6752 4 years ago

Still, no resolution to this tried everything, called everybody. ready to throw it in the trash. Hp said it may be the board (after two years of basic use it is bad??) My next cutter will be another brand, problems with hp cutter from day one, sucks.

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#7 britt7229 4 years ago

#7 my machines are less than 9 months old and I had 2 boards replaced on the cutter

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#8 javedbaksh12642 2 years ago

HP Print & Cut Solution 310 Plotter just shut down (no power). Changed Power board. When Power came back on I kept getting Y- axis error. Since then I've change the Main PCA board, Y axis Motor and Flat cable. Error changes from Y axis error to Pinch roller not found. Of note when the carriage head is not at home it goes to the home position then tries to move and there the error occurs... Any assistance would be greatly appreciated...

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#9 HP Daniela Ciolompea 2 years ago

Hi @javedbaksh12642, I suggest following this troubleshooting: Check that the pinch roller position sensor is clean. Check the connection between the pinch roller position sensor and the Head PCA. Check the connection between the Head PCA and the Main PCA. Install a new pinch roller position sensor (SVC Part: 1NC40-67015). Install a new Cutting Head (SVC Part: 1NC40-67006). I hope it helps.

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