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What is the lifespan of HP Latex 115 cartridges?

#1 mjay6532 a year ago

I'm just curious because I placed an order for a replacement cartridge a few weeks ago (08/2023). However, upon installing the cartridge, I realized that it is set to expire on 08/2024. I had thought that these cartridges would last longer than that. I appreciate your assistance in clarifying this matter. Thank you.

#2 andra15722 a year ago

Hey user! Contact to the administration of the site for more information about your question.

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#3 HP Daniela Ciolompea a year ago

Hi @mjay6532, The warranty statement specifies that the ink is under warranty until the HP ink is depleted, or the "Warranty Ends" date printed on the cartridge is reached, or 12 months from cartridge installation, whichever occurs first. HP doesn't recommend using the cartridge once the Warranty End Date is reached, since it can't guarantee that printing with expired ink reaches the print quality specs. I hope it helps.

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#4 jeffersonsam9919893 11 months ago

The lifespan of Hp latex 115 cartridges is based on your usage and keeps the printer very well.

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