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.030 Magnetic on R1000

#1 lasarachie 4 years ago

Has anyone had any luck printing on vehicle magnet? .030 to be specific. If so, what preset did you begin with? Thanks!

#2 HP Daniela Ciolompea 4 years ago

Hi @lasarachie, It really depends on the magnetic coating. I would recommend starting from a film generic substrate and activate as a heat-sensitive. I hope this helps.

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#3 bjpopp 4 years ago

We have really good luck with .030 magnet on our R2000. The material loves moderate drying and curing temps. Your results might vary, but here's the settings we use. 8 Pass, 120 Ink Density- Optimizer: 28- Drying Temp: 65C- Curing Temp: 70C- Overcoat: Level 1- Printing Airflow: 100- Curing Airflow: 350

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#4 marcoss16845 a year ago

#3 are you printing sheets or a full roll?

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