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3 Layer 2nd Surface Printing

#1 drcleveland1963 a year ago

Is it possible to print a 3 Layer -4c/White/White- for 2nd surface application on the R2000?

#2 HP Daniela Ciolompea a year ago

Hi @drcleveland1963, We are not clear what is the workflow you are trying to do or the results to achieve in terms of the final application. As we don't have many details, we can provide a generic solution and a complete guide for working with White ink, workflows, and sandwich modes jobs. See the guide attached guide for more details. I recommend checking point 10, where you will find detailed information on how to prepare the jobs for printing in sandwich mode. Also, you can find useful information on how to create plots/jobs in graphic design programs, RIP procedures, and how to create layers in the file. I hope this document meets your expectations.

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