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any new firmware in the works?

HP Latex 300 Series

#1 DuermeyerPrint 5 years ago

Hi, can HP officially say when a new firmware is due or has HP (inofficially) abandoned the 300 series?

I really have some suggestions concerning some settings and their execution on the printer.

#2 HP-Sonia 5 years ago

The latest firmware release for the HP Latex 300 Series Printer is NEXUS_01_14_00.5 . Please share your thoughts, we are always happy to listen to new suggestions.

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#3 DuermeyerPrint 5 years ago

I have the latest firmware installed. My suggestions:

  • show the correct time left when tailgaiting (at least for the current job running)
  • always use the media presets for the loaded media (it seems, that sometimes the vacuum settings are not the ones, that I put in for the loaded material when e.g. moving the substrate or the printer does some internal things )
  • putting in the correct lenght for the substrate when loading (50 cm steps are to much and add up in the end)
  • correcting the length left with loaded substrates
  • length left should display the length left and not "almost out of substrate" (a warning, that out of substrate added to the length left would be nice though)
  • a warning, when the length left (including the space for final drying) does not match the job send to the printer
  • when making a calibration the printer could make a nozzle test print (right before printing the chart without stopping)
  • the printer should display, what it is actually doing instead of showing a progress bar (cleaning, calibrating and so forth)
  • out of warranty warning for the printheads shown somewhere around the ink amount left in the cartridge
  • a margin top or bottom on the substrate that will be added after the print has finished (not added to the print and run through the heaters) (for each substrate separatly) so that the printhead does not crash against it, when the substrate has a small dent or is somewhat crumpled after being heated
  • substrate setup should include a separate option for vacuum settings, that can be set without printing a testprint
  • testchart for ink density, grain and thereof can be made much smaller or include more colors to test (a neutral gray bar or brown strip would be nice to see if anything in the paper setup is wrong or the print is mushy)
  • pre- and postroll substrate waste should be added to the cost calculator e.g. substrate has 45 m, after loading it is 44,87 m, preprint it is moved 3 cm for print start -> you lose at least 15 cm (which you cannot put in when reloading the roll, see above) , every move of non printed material should be protocolled and added to the next print on the same substrate

shall I go on? does anybody else has suggestions?

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#4 HP-Sonia 5 years ago

Thank you for your suggestion on how to make the firmware more efficient. The ideas and suggestions of innovative, thinking people are always welcome. We are driving all these inputs to the Firmware team!

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