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BRAND NEW Latex 335 prints different color from image

HP Latex 300 Series

#1 jason6214 5 years ago

Hello, I purchased a brand new latex 335 printer less than one week, and now running some tests on the media, HP PVC Free Durable Suede Wallpaper, with HP CERTIFIED profile downloaded from media locator. But when I print one image, the color shows SUPER differences from the monitor. I understand there might be some different, but like this, it's really far more expected. (photo attached, sample.jpg is original file, unname.jpg is the printed) Here's detail info: Printer: HP Latex 335 Manufacture date: 09/17 Firmware version: NEXUS_03_14_00.8 RIP: Flex HP Basic Edition 12 INK: HP 831 Media: HP PVC-FREE Durable Suede Profile: HP Certified Profile, download from Calibration: Done Print mode: 150DPI, 10P (Actually, I tried a lot of different modes, but none of them works) Image: The image has embed with color profile, sRGB IEC61966-2.1 Monitor: Already been calibrated All the media, ink, printer, are HP brand, but the result really makes me frustrated. Please help!

#2 jason6214 5 years ago

Thank you very much for your reply, Sonia. I used Flexi HP Basic Edition, the newest version, and also, I tried Onyx postershop 18. But both of them has issue of the image colors. The reseller sent a specialist to be here yesterday, but the problem is still unsolved, we tried to clone the profile, recreated the profile, and recalibration, nothing helped. But the problem only happens on HP PVC FREE Durable Sudede Wallpaper, I tried other suede materials, like Ultraflex, working perfectly. The conclusion of the reseller specialist, and his color specialist co-work thinks the problem should be the material itself.

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#3 HP-adam 5 years ago

Hi Jason, Have you tried the HP PVC-Free Durable Smooth profile? I'm seeing good results on my end with that option. If you could try that and let me know the results it would help me to investigate further.

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#4 jason6214 5 years ago

Hi Adam, I tried to download the media profile on, but it returned 404 file not found.

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#5 jason6214 5 years ago

Any updates?

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#6 jason6214 5 years ago

Not working at all. I tried another HP PVC FREE wallpaper, and the color is wrong as well. I'm wondering don't your HP guys notice about this issue. I exactly followed the instructions, do the slot chart, the calibration, using the official profile. And the result really make me so disappointed. If you can do any test printing on HP Latex 335. Can you let me know what do you print the following blue color: C: 69% M: 39% Y: 0% K: 0% The attached is what I got on HP PVC FREE wallpaper, after doing the calibration and all the necessary settings! Please understand how frustrate I'm right now, spent $13K+, and a lot of time, still get this xxx. Did I got a malfunctioned machine? Is there any possible because the old manufacture date? I purchased on 3 weeks ago, but the machine's manufacture date is Sep, 2017? Please help!

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#7 ivoslbg5445 5 years ago

#8 Hi jason6214 The problem may not be only in printer or substrate profile you are using. If you haven't done this, try this - print this blue image on vinyl with the normal printer profile: If the result is OK, then wallpaper profile isn't good - in this case I had to make charts on vinyl using bright white for good color output and use a copy of this profile for wallpaper substrate instead original hp profile, and just calibrating saturation because of yellowish surface. if result isn't OK - try to use another colour profile in RIP program (colour charts there is the tricky part and the RIP program can do much damage to the printed image)...

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#8 jason6214 5 years ago

Hi ivoslbg5445. Thank you for your reply. In my understanding, and the learnings from HP online sources, training videos, and reseller that the HP has everything setup, how convenience that using their official media locator, download the profile (HP Certified), calibration, and bang, magic happens. But apparently, it's NOT! Im not sure if HP has quality control of the profiles that marked with "HP Latex Certified". I ran into a bunch of problems using "media locator", including a "79:04" error. And now, using the same HP brand media, got so disappointed results. Anyway, since the HP profiles from media locator is not reliable, I tried another brand medias, ultraflex, oce. All these are showing a good results, there're some shifts, but at least acceptable. I should try your method, to copy the other profile to cover the HP one. Thank you very much for your advise!

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