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Changing IP Issues on HP 360 Latex

#1 bgunn11464 2 years ago

So, our company moved and the IP address needs to be updated on the printer. I have gone into the proper area and have tried to change/update the IP address, then the gateway settings with no luck. Most of the time, I get the "This option is not available at this time" message and neither change has held. The gateway number actually changed to match the IP address which it shouldn't be. Any suggestions? Thanks BGunn

#2 HP Daniela Ciolompea 2 years ago

Hi @bgunn11464, The IP address should change automatically when connecting to a new network. However, this option may not be activated. To solve that, we recommend taking the following steps : Make sure that your printer is properly connected to the network by running a network connection test. Go to Settings > Connectivity > Network connectivity > diagnostics and troubleshooting and run the connectivity network test. When the printer is on, go to : Settings > Connectivity > Network connectivity > gigabit Ethernet > Modify configuration > TCP/IP > IPV4 settings > default IP and set it to auto IP. If the problem persists, I suggest contacting your support representative.

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