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colour problems latex HP310

#1 ARTHURJONES 4 years ago

Further to my previous post, cleaned out all the printheads, Problem only started when I changed the Cyan cartridge. The grey is now coming out pink since changing this one cartridge. Have run calibration etc. Had somebody out (as other people have said - they stand there and scratch their heads, don't come up with a solution,but you still have to pay both the call out charge and their hourly rate even though they don't fix the problem. Everything else okay on printer. NO problem with it until this cyan cartridge was changed. Could it be a faulty cartridge. Any help would be very greatly appreciated.

#2 ayat.ra19928225 4 years ago

Hi I did have a similar problem (the red coming out orange) so I decreased the ink density to 150 and increased number of passes to 10 and it is worked perfectly good luck

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#3 ARTHURJONES 4 years ago

Thank you so much for replying. Have now realised magenta is a bit low so may buy another magenta cartridge as think perhaps it is not mixing correctly as I have a new Cyan. Had a so called specialist out costing a fortune who just scratched his head, so bit worried about getting another one out in case he is similarly dumfounded

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#4 ivoslbg5445 4 years ago

#3 Have you tried to shake the ink cartridges very well - mostly cyan (but shake other cartridges as well) - the mixture inside the cartridge is color and solution, the color settles to the bottom and instead of saturation, you get transparency of this color. The problem is that the real result will be obtained after printing but not immediately ... We had problem with ltCyan when cartridge finished the settled ink was pumped in tubes, after that - everything came out greenish...

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#5 ARTHURJONES 4 years ago

Thank you so much #4ivostbg5445 - Yes, we've shook the stupid things till we're dizzy. What happened was when we changed he Cyan we went to print three banners- we wanted grey - it started off grey on first banner, then on 2nd banner it started to change colour, by the time we got to third banner it was purple. Trouble is engineers so far don't seem to have knowledge of flexiprint and RIP so don't know if it's that. Haven't got a clue what is wrong. We have let it run for long periods, but that is of course costly. We are also now going to change the magenta cartridge. Don't mind paying somebody to come out if they know what they're doing but can't keep paying hundreds just for them to say they don't know. If anybody can help I would be grateful

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#6 ivoslbg5445 4 years ago

Grey colors are mixed from LC/LM usually. Check LM/LC printhead for troubles - over 1L of usage, clogged nozzles, over spraying ( printed line is not straight but blurry - use Color bar on the side of the printed image - about 1/2 inch wide and look when printing and light ON, which color is looking pale or line isn't straight), but I think LC printhead is for replacement... Can you attach some images here what is happening? I saw your previous post about same inks - use same original inks (like we're using only A831 - but it's for our ptinter), s/n must be original, don't use refilled cartridges or from suspicious stores...

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#7 ARTHURJONES 4 years ago

Can anyone suggest a printer repairer for this model in the North West. Companies we have contacted just do not seem to want to know. Don't know if we're too far out or they just don't have the knowledge to repair the problem which has been explained to various different companies now without success. We just want somebody with expertise to come out to repair the product. This has put us off buying another HP printer as when it runs out of warranty we will be in the same situation if we need help.

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