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Colouring fading out

#1 steven.mcfadden9615 a year ago

I am trying to print an orange background but the colour keeps fading to pink, I have not had any alerts about faulty printheads, the yellow seems to be drying out, of the 2 Y-M printheads one has 3318ml of ink fired through it and the other has 1026ml of ink fired through it, the maintenance cartridge was at 10% so I replaced that, do you think I need to replace the Y-M printhead? Any help would be appreciated.

#2 HP Daniela Ciolompea a year ago

Hi @steven.mcfadden9615, What printer are you using?

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#3 steven.mcfadden9615 a year ago

Hi Daniela, its an HP 360 Latex, I print out the printer head test after the colour fades and the printheads all look good, no blockages?

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#4 jenn2493jenn13561 a year ago

#1 said I am trying to print an orange background but the colour keeps fading to pink, I have not had any alerts about faulty printheads, the yellow seems to be drying out, of the 2 Y-M printheads one has 3318ml of ink fired through it and the other has 1026ml of ink fired through it, the maintenance cartridge was at 10% so I replaced that, do you think I need to replace the Y-M printhead? Any help would be appreciated. Based on the information provided, it is possible that the fading of the orange color to pink could be due to a clogged printhead. Over time, ink residue can build up and cause blockages in the printhead nozzles, leading to inconsistent ink flow and color output. While there have been no alerts about faulty printheads, it is still possible for them to become clogged without warning. Additionally, the fact that one of the Y-M printheads has fired significantly more ink than the other could also contribute to color inconsistencies. As printheads age and wear out, they may not distribute ink evenly across the page, resulting in faded or distorted colors. Replacing the maintenance cartridge was a good first step, as a full cartridge helps ensure proper ink flow and prevents clogs. However, if the issue persists after replacing the cartridge, it may be worth considering replacing one or both of the Y-M printheads. This could help ensure consistent ink distribution and prevent further color fading.

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#5 steven.mcfadden9615 a year ago

Hi Jenn , thanks for, your reply, its weird, we have tried printing this colour, a few times now, and after a short period of time the colour fades, but each time it fades i do the head test and they look perfect. I will replace the Y-M printheads sand hopefully that will cure the problem.

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#6 steven.mcfadden9615 a year ago

changed the Y-M heads and it seems to be running fine now, thanks for your help!

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#7 steven.mcfadden9615 a year ago

#4 Hi Jenn, changed both the Y-M heads and it has been working fine all morning and now the colour is fading to pink again! do you think other heads need replaced, or maybe the Optimiser?

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#8 steven.mcfadden9615 a year ago

#4 I have changed all the heads now and the problem still persists, do you think it could be the PIP or colour sensor?

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