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Delay before replacing ink cartridge

HP Latex 300 Series

#1 David_Richard 9 years ago

Hi everyone, does anyone know how long you have to replace an ink cartridge before the printer cancels the current job ?

If done within 5 minutes the printer will resume and keep printing.. but what about 10, 15, etc etc ?

One of my client complained that sometimes it cancels the job or never restarts if he takes too long to replace the cartridge...

let me know,


#2 HP-MarcM 9 years ago

Hi David_Richard,

Can you please tell which printer are you talking about and which RIP are you using.

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#3 David_Richard 9 years ago

Wow, sorry about that haha

It's an HP L360 on Wasatch in this case...

thanks !

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#4 HP-MarcM 9 years ago

No problem,

I prepared some information in advance, but it was about the 200 series. Let me validate if the information is compatible or it changes.

I will post the answer ASAP.

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#5 HP-MarcM 9 years ago

Hi again,

If the printer enters in “pause” mode due to different possible actions (open window, empty cartridge, …) and is not recovered from this status (by closing the window, changing the cartridge, …) during a certain period of time, then, the machine will cancel the job.

Usually that happens after a period of time of 45 minute, but this time is dependent on the workflow the customer has (RIP vendor used). The worst case we have ever seen is 15 minutes. For all the certified RIPs for the HP Latex 300 series (SAi, Caldera, ONYX, ColorGATE, GMG, Ergosoft, AVA, Shiraz) the machine will wait at least 45 min. Since Wasatch has not been tested the lab was not able to provide me a more accurate answer.

It’s also important to know that, if you wait several minutes to recover the machine from the “pause” status, there is a high risk of having image quality issues (banding, color changes, …) on the plot.

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