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Does we have to enable TAKE-UP REEL to use it ?

HP Latex 310 Printer

#1 lerouxjul2 8 years ago

hi everybody,

On my HP Latex 310, it is possible to print using Take-Up reel even if I forgot to "enable" Take-Up Reel while loading substrate.

In fact, on the printer screen, just after loading the substrate and before printing, it is possible to click on SUBSTRATE / TAKE-UP REEL and "Enable" button on the front panel.

Otherwise when I just load media and direct start printing forgotting to enable Take-Up reel on the printer screen, when I click on SUBSTRATE during printing, I can read : "TAKE-UP REEL : disabled" and then the option is grayed out, no changes possible ...
...but I can still use the Take-Up reel !!!?? Why??

If HP has provided an option on the front panel to enable or disable the Take-Up reel there must be a real reason, but what is it?

Thanks you so much

#2 HP-MarcM 8 years ago

Hi lerouxjul,

You made a point with your question. I've asked to the technicians and they told me that this option is basically important for those printer which have OMAS (optical media advance sensor) which are the HP Latex 360 and 370. When using the take up reel with this printers its necessary to recalibrate the OMAS and for that reason you must enable or disable the TUR on the printer. For the HP Latex 310 and 330 you can use the TUR without enable it without any problems.

Hope this helps.

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#3 lerouxjul2 8 years ago

In fact, on the L310/330, the TUR is fully independent from the printer ?

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