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Double sided prints

HP Latex 300 Series

#1 David_Richard 10 years ago

I have managed to print a series of double sided prints with a registration line between them in an automated fashion in onyx. My only problem is that it finished drying every single prints one at a time. example, I send 5 side A banners to print. IF I use a group jobs together or conserve media and print all rows, it prints the 5 of them and prints ONE registration line at the end for side B. That's a problem because if my banners are longer or shorter than expected, it gets really offset over the course of the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc etc... By removing the print all rows, it prints one, prints a black line, dries and repeats. When it does side B, it does the same kind of workflow. Looks for registration line, prints, dries, backs up and repeats... How can I get the best of both worlds ? IE get a registration line after each "copy" and have it dry only at the end ? thanks !!

#2 HP-MarcM 10 years ago

Hi David, I've been looking for the best answer as possible, and my advice for you is to "nest" the plots. I will recommend to print 3 meters series of side A plots, and then 3 meters series of side B plots (Maximum) in order to get the best mix between alignment and productivity.

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