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Find out MAC Address on an HP DesignJet Printer, before installation (still in the box)

#1 HP-byron.jam.hatherly9689 3 years ago

Hi team, Is it possible to find out the MAC Address of a printer, whilst it is still in the box and not opened or installed? The unit is at the wholesaler, but the reseller's customer is asking for the MAC Address prior to installation as they are a government body. Many thanks

#2 HP-byron.jam.hatherly9689 3 years ago

Hi team I now have the serial number of the device - S/N CN184BM00X. If this helps to find the MAC Address?

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#3 HP Daniela Ciolompea 3 years ago

Hi @byron.jam.hatherly9689, Here is the MAC address for this device: 48:9E:BD:0A:C4:07

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#4 HP-byron.jam.hatherly9689 3 years ago

#3 Thanks a lot Daniela!

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#5 robert.stafford12293 2 years ago

#3 Hi Daniela, I also have a HP DesignJet T830 24-in MFP Printer that our Government Department requires the MAC address prior to delivery. Please let me know how I can recovery these MAC addresses as this will always be required when we sell these printers. Thank you!

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#6 HP Daniela Ciolompea 2 years ago

Hi @robert.stafford12293, I need the serial number to be able to retrieve the MAC address. There is also a sticker on the printer that contains the MAC address. Without this information, we can't find out the address you need.

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#7 rshepard15621 a year ago

#3 Hi, Would you be able to furnish a MAC address for the following HP 700 Latex Printer - Serial Number MY33M4T00N Thank you for your assistance.

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#8 HP Daniela Ciolompea a year ago

Hi @rshepard15621, We've checked in our system but this printer is not sending any information. Without a diagnostic package or service plot, it is not possible from our side to check the MAC Address. Please contact HP Support.

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#9 phillipstavrakis20253 a year ago

Hi Daniela, I have recently sold a HP DesignJet T830 24-in MFP Printer to a government department who too have requested MAC address whilst the device is being shipped, I'm hoping you can assist me with this? Serial: CN38HDM02W Many Thanks, Phil

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#10 HP Daniela Ciolompea a year ago

Hi @phillipstavrakis20253, Here is the requested information: E0:73:E7:E3:87:33.

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#11 rg_00924192 9 months ago

Hi Daniela, Could you find out the MAC address of my HP ENVY 6020e? Serial No.: TH29TGK1D9 Thank you in advance.

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