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Getting drivers for Ergosoft Posterprint 14 for L26500

HP Latex 200 Series

#1 tjvisualdesign5118 6 years ago

I'm wondering if anyone knows how to get drivers for the Ergosoft PosterPrint 14 software? I'm already running a L25500 on the software with no problems. You'd think their website would have a download link, but they're telling me to go to my reseller and they will provide the driver. I contacted my reseller and they said no problem, we'll give you a call and get it sorted. I got the call and they started talking about how I needed a second print client and that was going to cost some money. Confused, I said so I'll be able to print with two printers at once? They confirmed so I said ok, they got back to me saying it was going to cost $780 for the new client and driver. I say ok, they say great we will get back to you with an invoice. Then they come back after a couple of days saying that they think I'll need to update the software because the software I have won't work with the L26500 even though on Ergosoft's website it says it's supported and I have the printer profiles for it ready in the software that ergosoft supplies??? This is now going to cost $1250! So now I think they're either stupid and don't know what they're talking about or they're trying to screw me over. Has anyone had experience with Ergosoft Posterprint 14? I just want to get my printer working on software I paid an arm and leg for and I'm getting ripped off.

#2 HP-ayelenfernandez 6 years ago

Hi @tjvisualdesign5118, We heard from Ergosoft that the L25500 and L26500 use different drivers in Version 14 and depending on the license version in the dongle key used the end user may need to upgrade and purchase a second PrintClient. Can you please provide via Private Message you dongle number so we can verify with Ergosoft if required? Plase, send me your email! Thanks and regards,

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#3 tjvisualdesign5118 6 years ago

#2 Hi, Thanks for replying, I've actually got it working. I don't know what I did, but after downloading the print environment via the software's own download section and restarting the computer the software is now talking to printer and printing perfectly. Before I would try to print and it wouldn't do anything but after the restart it's working perfectly. The only problem I'm having now is after a print is complete it doesn't cut the print, it just keeps ejecting the roll with out stopping so I have to turn off the printer. I might start a new forum post if you don't know how to fix that. I have enabled the cutter and disabled the take up roller so I'm not sure why it's not working.

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#4 tjvisualdesign5118 6 years ago

Ok so it's all working now, I've got the cutter working. I didn't have to pay for an update or anything, I just unchecked 'use legacy driver' and now it cuts and prints perfectly. I guess I don't blame them for trying to upsell me.

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#5 HP-ayelenfernandez 6 years ago

Hi @tjvisualdesign5118, Glad to hear that everything is working now! If you need something else, just let us know! Warm regards,

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