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High Intensity Prismatic vinyl temp?

HP Latex 300 Series

#1 CachePrinterGuy7797 5 years ago

Hello, I am relatively new to the HP 365 printer, but I think I'm getting the hang of it well. I've been thinking about trying out that high intensity prismatic material. I hear 3m has a prismatic product available. Any suggestion on what temperature range I should start with when test-printing? Thanks in advance for any help/suggestions you have.

#2 HP-Sonia 5 years ago

I suggest you read this article about How to print colored traffic signage on HP Latex 360 and 365 printers and check on the HP Media Solution Locator and filter by printer and application. Let us know the results of your first trials.

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#3 CachePrinterGuy7797 5 years ago

Thanks! I look forward to reading this, and I will be sure to "keep you in the loop" with my trial runs.

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#4 CachePrinterGuy7797 5 years ago

I couldn't read the article, as it tells me "site cannot be reached, ip address not found" :/

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#5 CachePrinterGuy7797 5 years ago

Ok, after inspecting the element, found the link(s) missing the semi-colon. Inserted semi-colon and walla.... I was able to access and print the "cookbook", etc. Thanks

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#6 HP-Sonia 5 years ago

Great you found it! The links has been update and now is working perfectly.

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