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Horizontal Banding on Yellow/Magenta

HP Latex 300 Series

#1 nickjn 8 years ago

I started seeing horizontal banding on the print a week ago. Printed the test plot and ink cartridge 6 (C/Y) was completed disappeared. We replaced the printhead, clean the electrical connection; however, the nozzle check was not good, channels were missing. We bought another C/Y printhead and put it, result turned out the same. We keep cleaning the printhead (C/Y) only and it has some improvement but been doing this for like 20 times but still not completely fixing the issue. Please look at the attached photo. Anyknow what is the cause of this problem? Thanks

#2 semodul 8 years ago

I have a similar issue with yellow banding. I cleaned twice the injectors and I changed the substrate advance a little (+1.5). It seems the problem has been corrected. At least by the moment. But I am also having some spray problems. The tech has to come to change the Curing PCA because I am also affected by the error 01.12:10. So I will try to ask to him about all of these issues. Best regards

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