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how to clear optimizer error code 0x002002 on Latex 310

#1 nnthunya11846 2 years ago

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#2 nnthunya11846 2 years ago

How do I clear optimizer error code 0x002002 on Latex 310

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#3 HP Daniela Ciolompea 2 years ago

Hi @nnthunya11846, The reported code is not valid, it has to be 10 digits, but you only have provided 8, please check and provide the correct code.

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#4 printertales 2 years ago

this type of issue is solved by the expert. Feel free to contact us. our team solve your problem very easily

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#5 nnthunya11846 2 years ago

#3 The machine keeps changing the codes but they all point at the optimizer printer head it has been replaced several times and the code keeps coming back after some time

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#6 signshop11134 2 years ago

#5 Did you get any help? We appear to have the same problem TIA

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#7 signshop11134 2 years ago

There are 2 ns in Comment, btw

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#8 signs16151 a year ago

We are having the same error code 0x002002 to reseat the OP printhead on Latex 365.

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