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HP 310 and Flexi profiling procedure

HP Latex 300 Series

#1 iladi 9 years ago

Hi, yesterday I was starting to print with my new 310 printer and have some questions: when using Flexi, what is the correct profiling procedure? i was trying tre ways and all give me pinkish neutrals: 1. loading media, select PAPER, doing internal calibration (the 2 steps I can do with 310) and then start a color calibration in Flexi, but skip ink limits skip linearisation and only build the ICC = pinkish 2. doing internal calibtations (the 2 steps) and then in Flexi redone the ink limits and linearisation and gray balance, ICC = pinkish 3. load media, no internal calibration in the printer and done a regular color calibration in Flexi. Something better but not quite perfect. What am I doing wrong? Adrian Solved! Go to Solution.

#2 iladi 9 years ago

all good now. Must have been tired aor to excited with the new toy. Nice and accurate colors.

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#3 tjk 9 years ago

Adrian, How did you fix it? My grays are purple, my reds are orange, and my yellows are not yellow. Tom

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#4 iladi 9 years ago

load a NEW media. Folow the steps and chose SAV, paper, what your material is. Advanced setting for CMYK/CMYKcm, vacuum, temp, pases, optimizer. But I have NOT print the calibration fom the printer, skip this step. Then choose the number of steps and maximum ink density for it. Name your new media. Sync your new media with Flexi. Chose for the media the new one you just created, with NO COLOR CORRECTION and NO profile. the same in media manager: no of pases with corresponding ink density. OK Then go to Color calibration, chose the same values for the media in device, name your ICC and perform a regular color calibration as on other printer: ink limits, linearization, color profile.

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