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HP 310 Not Printing Any Cyan

HP Latex 310 Printer

#1 --- 7 years ago

Hi all, after printing perfectly on Saturday until I ran out of optimizer, my cyan does not seem to fire. I was printing a job and any blue elements were 100% magenta. I have tried swapping the print heads around with no success. Black and other colors still print perfectly. Test plots show light cyan, but no cyan. Maintenance cartridge is at 35%. New Cyan ink cartridge as of February. Can anyone suggest anything? I'm guessing a printhead, but one has 2000ml through it and the other 1100ml...I've replaced the C/K printheads multiple times since owning this printer, seems as though they do not last... Thanks in advance.

#2 Roy_Kuzmich 7 years ago

It has been known that the Primer assembly can cause issues such as this if any of the rubber nibs go missing. the primer looks like a crane above the carriage in the right side of the machine. If you use a flash light you can look in and see if the 4 fingers all have nibs. If not then the primer needs replacing and recalibration. (the nibs are not available as a separate part) Good Luck RoyK

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