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HP 360 Latex color mismatch on print

#1 anthonyoconnell199113779 a year ago

Hello, I'm having some issues producing a banner with a specific color which is suppose to be blue but is coming out a vibrant purple. I've produced a few banners before and didn't have any issue with color until a cyan heavy image came into production. Ive been regularly performing print head cleanings, color calibrations and plot tests. Im fairly new to operating this printer but now that I am looking at previous plots it seems cyan is only showing in a lighter color. Ive changed the Cyan ink cartridge along with an optimizer, shaking 6-8 times before insertion and still am coming up with the same issue. I can only assume the printheads are expired or malfunctioning ? Ive attached two images, one of the blue I am trying to print and the other is the printed result which is purple. Any help on the matter would be greatly appreciated ! thanks

#2 HP Daniela Ciolompea a year ago

Hi @anthonyoconnell199113779, I suggest checking the following: First, it is important to know if you have been printing before with this same paper and OMS, and if the result was proper. If the OMS was just uploaded and you printed or cloned it a time ago, please delete the OMS and create it again. The second point to consider is to make sure you follow the proper Color Management workflow with this media. Color Calibration will ensure color consistency within a printer and media after the first calibration is launched when the color reference targets are set based on current printer conditions (temperature, humidity, PH DW, etc). Regular Workflow for a single printer: • Do a Color Calibration before beginning the job you want to keep consistency. Note the CLC is media-dependent. • Redo a Color Calibration whenever you see the color change, the calibration is in “Recommended” or “Obsoleted” status. Tips and tricks: • Verify the calibration target is printed with good IQ (no nozzles out, banding, grain, advance is correct, etc). • Launch the CLC when the printer is in the same state (e.g. if the machine has been printing for a while the system is hotter, if not, this may impact CLC). • Note that in cloned substrates from generic the first time you launch color calibration the color is “saved” and the next time you launch the color calibration you are calibrating. I hope it helps.

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