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Hp 360 Latex Printing Issue Color Not Corrrect

HP Latex 360 Printer

#1 --- 7 years ago

Hi. I am pretty new to the HP 360 printer. I have been printing a certain color (kelly Green) for some projects and today the printer produces a completely different color. I have not changed any settings and have auto cleaned the print heads using the printer. I'm not sure why it won't print correctly but won't. I have looked into it a bit and believe it maybe a printhead issue. All my printheads are new within a month and I don't believe I should be having this problem. The green is much ligher than it should be. Please Help.

#2 erik4201trent8371 4 years ago

I've been having a similar issues with color not printing as they are supposed to. Light pink prints as a light yellow/cream color. I have grey colors printing as brown and a color calibration has been completed but with no success. What can be done to resolve this issue and my print heads are out of warranty plus I get notifications of print head quality issues. Not sure if that's the problem.

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