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HP 700 Latex printer Inconsistent color

#1 kyler9607 2 years ago

So my company recently bought a HP 700 Latex printer, needless to say that we have had this printer for about 4 months and there some print head nozzles that have gone bad which was causing a banding issue. After messing with the banding settings to increase the dark to light contrast so that it evens out, and after being in contact with HP they told me to run 10 passes to slow down the print head to get rid of the banding. I did that which helped. I now have Ombre coloring, it'll go from dark to light half way through a print section. I have tried to reclaim the nozzles by doing a hard print head nozzle clean (I read not to do it more then twice because it could damage them more). I've manually cleaned the print heads and the injectors as well with distilled water and a lint free cloth recommended by HP. I've done all the optimization print settings, my printer heads are still in warranty. If you have any ideas please let me know. We're having more issues then I think we should be with a 4 month old printer, seeing if anyone else has had any of these issues. Thanks in advance!

#2 HP Daniela Ciolompea 2 years ago

Hi @kyler9607,

Could you please attach some pictures of the issue, so we can troubleshoot better. Alternatively, feel free to contact us at

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