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#1 Info6752 a year ago

I held down the DOWN directional butter while starting up my cutter, now it's forever in the "DETECT MACHINE" Mode, where it's constantly in some weird movement pattern, so I can't send work to it. Does anyone know how to exit this mode? Nothing I did worked. Thanks. J

#2 HP Daniela Ciolompea a year ago

Hi @Info6752, I have not heard of this issue before. Could you provide any pictures or videos of it? I would suggest updating the FW to the latest version or try reinstalling it. If the FW installation doesn't solve the issue, contact your support representative.

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#3 Info6752 a year ago

Photo attached! Yes, I'm not sure if it's some kind of service mode, but nothing I do can cancel it. I cannot access cutter control to upload any file because, when the machine is on it constantly moves so cutter control does not get a chance to property initialize. I have videos, also called HP service and they are now not offering service to customers outside of the the US (mind you I've gotten service directly from hp many times) if I can't get this up, it's going in trash and I'm getting a Graphtec. This is a last effort and I hope someone in the HP community can help.

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#4 HP Daniela Ciolompea a year ago

Hi @Info6752, See attached another procedure that might fix the issue.

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#5 Info6752 a year ago

I've tried this, didn't work but I will retry within the hour again and let you know if I was successful. Thanks Daniella.

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