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HP DJ 26500 Heavy Magenta

HP Latex 260 Printer

#1 --- 9 years ago

Hello Everyone, I am failry new to this forum but I have a DJ 26500 printer and every now and then the prints will either start out printing heavy magenta or half way through the print the printer will start printing heavy magenta. All print test and test plots looks good. Heads are good. Toughts?

#2 HP-MarcM 8 years ago

Hi FusePrints, I've checked your issues with some experts on your printer model and they request me some additional information in order to give you the right recommendations. Is this magenta shift sudden? or is it progressive? Would you please attach an image of the issue? Which firmware version are you using? Do this issue continues after changing the Printheads? Thank you in advance for the infromation.

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