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HP Latex 110 Streaking Issues

HP Latex 100 Series

#1 ray.beloate5759 6 years ago

My company has the above. We use 2 different substrate sizes, 42" and 54", but same brand (Sihl 3686, 3" core, TriSolv Premium Paper 200 semi-gloss). With both, we are having issues with the paper rubbing against the underside of the unit before it goes through the heater to dry and it less scratches in the ink. For the 42" paper, we have solved the issue by bumping up the vacuum from 35 (recommended for the substrate) to 40. Nothing works for the 54". I have moved the vacuum as high as 55 and it makes it worse. What can I do to make the 54" work as well? I do have a take up roll option, but when printing 1 or 2 banners, it isn't cost effective to use that option.

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