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HP Latex 310: Colour issue - greenish/bluesh tint on light colours

HP Latex 310 Printer

#1 KGP-production 5 years ago

Had latex 310 for 2 and a half years - were extremely happy with it, till 2 weeks ago. Run not heavily, but every day. Two weeks ago noticed a slight colour tint on our BW prints. Ran all sorts of calibrations - it didn't help. Changed LC/LM printheads - instant fix - all back to normal! Printed all day, no issues. Next day - the "greenish/blueish" tint returned in the middle of the print. Since than we have tried everything - adjustments, calibrations, building new profiles. Please help!!!

#2 ivoslbg5445 5 years ago

#1 Hi KGP-production, we had this issue when LC cartridge was almost empty and we had to wait the ink from the new cartridge is in the tubes all the way into the printhead - that's about 30 ml. Turned out we didn't shake old cartridge well from long time (we don't print every day) and there was only concentrated color - like instead LC you print with Cyan from LC printhead. We had to take about 5% cyan from color curves in Caldera in light colors only to make it nearly desired output...Everything looked green or blue for some time until ink went back to normal with the new cartridge. But of course there might be another reason...

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#3 KGP-production 5 years ago

#2 Thank you very much, ivoslbg5445! That was correct solution. Shame on HP support and on HP brand altogether! That is why it was printing all right after LC/LM head replacement. That was "good" inks inside the new heads. After inks in the heads was used down, it starts printing same greenish as before. Our local technicians (Neopost Australia) had all the test prints signed in order (see attached), but could not guess such simple and the only logical solution. The most outrageous thing is that HP global and local technicians keep blaming your colour settings and profiles and ignore you saying that it must be hardware problem, because it is the same for all substrates, and it went green in the middle of the print. Surely they should be aware of the problem. They probably are, but would not admit the hardware flaws – easier to blame you of doing something wrong. It might be as well faulty batch of inks and not "cartridge-shaking" problem, because we do shake them and we've heard of some HP 300's cartridges recall. By the way, if you want to keep inks in consistent condition, it is a good thing to shake cartridges every couple of weeks or so. If cartridge is new you can shake it vigorously. If it is old cartridge, take it out using "Inks replacement" mode ONLY (the system is under pressure otherwise) and shake them ever so slightly, just lean from side to side a few times. You don't want to get air bubbles in the system – the nozzles would overheat and burn without inks. DO NOT calibrate straight after head replacement, because inks inside the head are very old (look at our samples – after head replacement and the last one), use at least 30ml, then calibrate the substrates. And do not forget to check and change back your old good refined settings which HP technicians changed because they thought default settings should be "good" (like temperature, vac, air pressure and etc), otherwise ink wouldn't dry and head would jam the substrate, of course. Just slam their hands when they try to go through your settings instead of looking into real hardware trouble. And thank you, ivoslbg5445, again for such an easy (and only logical) solution to our trouble. And, HP support, shame on you!

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#4 HP-Sonia 5 years ago

Hello KGP-production

On one hand,I am sorry to hear that you did not have a good experience with one of our HP technicians. They are well trained to solve all the issues with any HP Latex printer. But, thanks a lot to letting us know as we are always willing to listen any kind of feedback in order to improve our processes and knowledge.

On the other hand, I am very happy of the community that we are all building with all the positives and sometimes negatives comments. And that ivoslbg5445 was able to give the solution to solve your issue.

Please keep on posting all your concerns and ideas of your HP Latex Printer. We are always willing to listen and help any members of this community.

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#5 ivoslbg5445 5 years ago

I'm glad I was able to help this time

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