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Hp latex 335 - Curing Temperature

HP Latex 300 Series

#1 reklama design 5 years ago

What Temperature should be used when printing on non woven wallpaper (fleece) and Paper Base Latex 212g?

#2 HP-Sonia 5 years ago

I suggest you to go to and filter by type of media. You can use the search tool as well. Then, download the profile and installed. You will have the appropriate temperature there to print this media.

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#3 reklama design 5 years ago

I am asking for advice, i know the page.

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#4 paulelw 5 years ago

#3 Your media supplier should be able to provide correct setting or a custom profile for the media they are providing you. If the media isn't listed in the available online media library and your supplier hasn't provided support with a suitable profile or settings then you would have to generate one based on a suitable initial profile and then create one based on saturation, curing and optimizer levels. Sonia has a guide here for creating your own profiles: It is for a 500 series but the principles are similar. TLDR - You can choose any temperature you like until you find the one works for you.

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#5 proframe.adv13379 a year ago

hi i have hp latex 335 when i print on Banner PVC - its will crumple with the heat of the printer my question its how do i adjust the curing heat from the printer ? Thank you

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