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HP Latex 360 print problem

#1 david11325 2 years ago


I hope someone can help me with that. I have an HP Latex 360 printer and after a few days that it was off it starting to print really ugly. I am also receiving the 98:03 error code.

I am attaching the images. The lines are not clear, the ink is leaking and it is cracked, totally grainy... What is really strange to me is that the frog is printed much better than the rest of the print.

Also, this is printed on the vinyl. If I print the same poster on paper, the print will be perfect. First I thought that maybe there is some problem with the vinyl but after trying to print it on 6 different types of vinyl that is obviously not the case.

I cleaned the heads a few times, and I also replaced almost all the heads (except the OP and LC/LM). I ran the drop detector and for all the heads there are less than 10 nozzles out, except for light cyan (there are 1056 nozles out). Need to replace that head for sure, but could that be the reason for print like that? And again on the paper, the print is great. And also this much better-printed frog is really bothering me.

I would really appreciate some help and advice. Thank you so much in advance!

#2 VinylLabNW_BLane a year ago


Does the file have a spot color for the black? If so make it a process color. This could also be due to profile issues coming from the file and allowed through the rip. Check to ensure you are just printing process colors and hopefully this helps!

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