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HP Latex 370 - Light Green Banding in Grayscales

#1 wind7248 4 years ago

I have attached pictures for clarity. It is a little harder to see in the pictures because of the glare but it is there if you look. More obvious in person. This can happen in solid colors as well. Looking for any advice on what to do to prevent this from happening! Thanks in advance for all help.

#2 ivoslbg5445 4 years ago

#1 Hi wind7248, I suppose lc/lm printhead and specially lm color is failing to print, so do the usual maintenance - clean the gold contacts of all printheads and in the carriage with ethyl alcohol very carefully. Check lc/lm printhead for damages without touching nozzles and if problem continues may be you have to replace this printhead. Shake ink cartridges and if there are 3L boxes of ink shake them also. Do the printhead cleaning in printer menu. Make printhead alignment. When printing try using color bands (1/2 inch wide is enough) on both sides of image when printing if possible and you can see when printing if one printhead is spitting or spraying or banding but not making straight flat line...

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#3 HP Daniela Ciolompea 4 years ago

Hi @wind7248, You can check also the following: Check the PH's, if they are in good condition or change printhead if needed. It could be printhead issue or can be an hardware issue. If you still can't solve the issue please consider contacting HP support to check the printer, as there are some parts that need to be checked internally and may be replaced. I hope this solves the issue.

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