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HP360 head strikes on the edge of the paper

HP Latex 300 Series

#1 Sowada 7 years ago

Lately, I have a problem with head strikes on the edges of the paper, can I use edge protector on HP 360? Is possible with vacuum function? Thank you

#2 HP-AyelenFernandez2 7 years ago

Dear Sowada, If you are referring to the edge holders, then yes. They can be used as this is their function. More points to check would be that the platen vacum holes are properly and thoroughly cleaned and if needed you should increase the vacum level in the substrate profile. If the issue persists the use of the take up reel is also suggested. Regards,

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#3 Sowada 7 years ago

Thank you very much, I will try that

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#4 HP-AyelenFernandez2 7 years ago

Hi Sowada, Great! Please, let me know if it's works! Regards

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#5 --- 7 years ago

I am having the same problem. It happens most frequently with our 15 oz. Banner material. The lead edge curls/bows up cauising either a strike and crash, or a drag along the surface. It happens when using the take-up reel, I've tried increasing the vacuum, decreasing the temp, lifting/pulling the material by hand... no dice. I am using the platen protector, but that seems irrelevent to the current problem. I've also tried using the edge holder, but the material is curling/bowing up past the edge holder (right before it enters the curing zone) Anyone have any suggestions? Losing a lot of time and material here.

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#6 Sowada 7 years ago

Yes it does work very well, when I increased vacuum levels, and it never happened again, but I only printing posters on HP 360 and never tired PVC . Thank you

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