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l25500 marking in the same spot

HP Latex 200 Series

#1 4state 9 years ago

i have had this marking issue on and off for 3 months it is in the same spot on the prints and runs the first few feet of the print then goes away, i have cleaned under the carriage rail with q tips , thought i got it but its back. any suggestions would be appreciated. its like water or oil is getting on it from somewhere.

#2 HP-MarcM 9 years ago

Hi 4state! In order to be more helpful, could you please send us a picture, pointing out the issue that you mention? Besides, which is the name of the media that you are using? Looking forward to hearing from you so I can be able to understand the spot issue better.

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#3 4state 9 years ago

it lines up with the metal on the rollers where my finger is in the second pic. thnaks

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#4 HP-MarcM 9 years ago

Hi 4state! As I can tell from the pictures you send I encourage to you to wash the media with isopropyl alcohol. This is not practical solution for printing but it can be used as a diagnostic tool: by washing only part of the substrate the defects can be made appear (not washed areas) and disappear (washed areas). Hence, I will advise you to get in contact with your media vendor to get a solution. I strongly recommend to use only materials that are reasonably new and have not been stored for long time. I hope this answer helps

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#5 4state 9 years ago

it does it on vinyl and banner material, i will try to wash it but since it does it on more than one type is seems that it would be in the printer. thanks

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