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Längenkorrektur / length correction

#1 DuermeyerPrint 4 years ago

Wie korrigiere ich die Länge im Drucker, nachdem die Schräglaufkontrolle das Material mehrmals vorgeschoben hat? Dadurch wird die Substrat-Länge im Drucker falsch dargestellt (d.h. sie wird länger als sie eigentlich ist angegeben). Das ist für uns sehr wichtig! Ich habe das bereits mehrmals angemahnt und jedes Mal bekomme ich Ausflüchte von HP und den Moderatoren hier im Forum, es würde nicht gehen. Das Unternehmen HP sagt, es würde Kritik sehr ernst nehmen und immer versucht sein sich zu verbessern - das bezweifele ich.

How do I correct the length in the printer after the skew control has fed the material several times? As a result, the substrate length is displayed incorrectly in the printer (i.e. it is longer than what's actually on the roll). It is very important for us! I have noted this several times and every time I get excuses from HP and the moderators here in the forum that it is not possible. HP says it takes criticism very seriously and is always trying to improve - I doubt that.

Danke für die Aufmerksamkeit. Thanks for listening. Christian

#2 HP Daniela Ciolompea 4 years ago

#1 Hi @DuermeyerPrint,

Can you please install the last Firmware version, if not done already. If this does not fix the issue, some sensors could be out of order or broken, in which case we suggest to call HP support.

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#3 DuermeyerPrint 4 years ago

Hi Daniela,

latest firmware NEXUS_01_16_00.8 is installed, sensors have been cleaned, 3rd maintainance was less than 2 month ago, problem is persistent throughout all the firmwares. This is a firmware issue, not a hardware issue. Ask your technicians how the printer calculates the length. Especially when having the skew control on and the material is being moved forward... the printer does not pull all the substrate back it always leaves half a meter when attempting a new try and this goes as long as the skew is below the threshold, then the material is being pulled back to start, but the length will be added (that the skew control did not pull in) to the overall length. We are sometimes stuck with a roll that is for real 30 m but for example 3 skew control correction attempts leaves us with 1,3-1,5 m additional length added to the roll which is not true. This is a problem from the start of our experience with HP Latex printers.

So please, forward this to your firmware people. Thank you.

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#4 DuermeyerPrint 4 years ago

Hi, I am still waiting for an answer, if your technician can confirm this.

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#5 ivoslbg5445 4 years ago

#4 we have 570 and that was the issue before last firmware upgrade and I guess you have to wait for a new firmware...toavoid multiple substrate corrections, you can try to straighten substrate in the moment when loading roll and open the window...rolls must release substrate and try to straighten there as much as you can...but I don't know if your printer will do that roll release or give errors...

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#6 DuermeyerPrint 4 years ago

yes, this is a trick I usually do if I see the substrate askew while loading but if the printer still sees a skew (because of the nature of the canvas we use, there might be a small uneveness at the side of the substrate) the game begins. Thank you for pointing out that there is a software fix - for which I have to wait.

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#7 ivoslbg5445 4 years ago

We see this problem almost every day in every substrate but when loading canvas colleagues usually don't set to 1mm skew, because when cured and cut the canvas is already shrinked in the begging of roll and you can figure out how hard is to set the new loading exactly to the begging...but when printer is checking the leading edge with old firmware acted just like this - make only one or two tries... Cheers and wish you good luck for fast solution

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#8 HP Daniela Ciolompea 4 years ago

Hi @DuermeyerPrint,

I suggest you contact HP support, as they can understand better and will be able to advise if it is indeed a FW issue. They can also escalate the case if needed and will have the details of your printer.

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#9 DuermeyerPrint 4 years ago

#8 Hi, can you point me to the next HP Latex Support contact for Germany? Finding a support E-Mail address is very difficult with the HP website. Thanks.

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#10 HP Daniela Ciolompea 4 years ago

#9 Hi @DuermeyerPrint,

This is the HP support page and the number for Germany is 0693 80789569. I hope this helps.

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