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Latex 315 Color Shift

HP Latex 315 Print and Cut Solution Printer

#1 jkrier6599 5 years ago

A couple of months ago I started to notice that the printer was giving me color shifts in my gray scale that also made my blues look washed out. Replaced the Black/Cyan printheads and all went back to normal. Fast forward to this week. The problem is back I have recovered the printheads, done nozzle checks and see nothing outstanding. But the alignment check of the printhead has me puzzled. Why is there a color shift on the big black bars. The one on top is the one I ran right after installing new printheads. The one on the bottom is from yesterday.

#2 kelvin.ng5186 5 years ago

#1 looks like ur cyan firing is very weak, try weight ur ph, belive got air inside your ink tube. or maybe the Fi towel got problem.

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#3 jkrier6599 5 years ago

Kelvin - "try weight ur ph". What do you mean? Also what is the "Fi towel"?

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#4 HP-Sonia 5 years ago

Hello, We have a few suggestions: Did you do a printhead alignment and a color calibration? Remember that the color calibration has to be repeated for each media To be able to recover colors from day 0 you have to do a color calibration on day 0 to be able to compare. I hope this information helps

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#5 kelvin.ng5186 5 years ago

#3 Hi, you shall check with your service provider, all that is require train and hp certify engineer to check.

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#6 jkrier6599 5 years ago

Hi Sonia, I did a printhead alignment and color calibration. This color shift just happened out of the "blue"

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#7 jkrier6599 5 years ago

HP has decided that both of my black heads are clogged. Sending out replacement heads. time will tell if this fixes the problem.

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#8 HP-Sonia 5 years ago

Hello @jkrier6599 Please let us know if you finally solved the issue.

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#9 jkrier6599 5 years ago

#8 The new C/K printheads showed up yesterday. Installed last night and problem is gone (again). Will see if I get more than a month out of these heads.

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